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The SOS controller is considered beta quality and is still under active development. 

Downloading, Installing, and Running

The SOS controller is hosted on GitHub as a special extended version of Floodlight and can be cloned using git. In a Linux terminal, get the source code:


$ git clone -b smart-1.3


Then, install any Floodlight prerequisites:


sudo apt-get install build-essential default-jdk ant python-dev eclipse


After the prerequisites are installed, change directories into the cloned repository, and build the controller:


cd SOSForFloodlight
$ ant
sudo mkdir /var/lib/floodlight
sudo chmod 777 /var/lib/floodlight

Lastly, you can run the controller at any time by executing the compiled JAR file:


$ java -jar target/floodlight.jar


If you would like to develop or run the controller within Eclipse, refer to these instructions.

To kill the controller (e.g. to stop and restart it), which is simply a Java process, use your favorite way of killing processes.

Playing with the Source Code

All source code for SOS can be found in the net.floodlightcontroller.sos Java package. The SOS module is located in All other classes in the package are data types defined for use in the SOS module.

The SOS controller received a rather nice set of upgrades from the sos-13 branch to the smart-1.3 branch (both in the GitHub repository).

  • A comprehensive REST API is exposed for configuration of the controller, including the whitelisting of clients, agent operations, and statistics gathering.
  • Agent discovery allows the controller to learn the location of agents in the network provided only their IP addresses.
  • Client and server discovery allows the controller to learn the location of the client/server provided only their IP addresses.


Future Plans

The SOS module is not very sophisticated at this point, although it gets the job done for basic deployments. Existing Floodlight services like routing and the device manager need to be used to automate the discovery of clients, agents, and the calculation of some flows.

Work also needs to be done to make it easier to turn SOS on, off, and whitelist the client connections we want to optimize. This can foreseeably be done by implementing a REST API.

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