Greg Stephens | gstephe@gProject (Add your project name) | Name |
Emai | Tricked out kegerator Email for info | Andreas Kasprzok | akasprz@clemson.edu |
Email |
1 - GENI Cinema Analysis
| Colin Targonski | ctargon@g.clemson.edu |
Allyson Rosado | aarosad@g.clemson.edu |
Nathanael Koilpillainkoilpi@clemson.edu | | |
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2 - TBD (Will update later) | Ryan Barker | rcbarke@clemsonJacob Goffjtgoff@clemson.edu | Chandler Coffman | cgcoffm@clemsonTyler Johnstontgjohns@clemson.edu | Nate Pocta | npocta@clemsonrfox@g3 - TBD | Robert Fox | 2 - Traffic Analysis and Network Security | Glenn Ross Gangi | ggangij@g.clemson.edu |
Greg FitzMaurice | gfitzma@g |
Anna Hodapp | ahodapp@clemson.edu |
Luke Breivik | lbreivi@g.clemson.edu |
Shaneer Kelkarskelkar@gNick Simons | |
| - Mobile App (decentralized youtube)Rick Ferreira | pferrei@clemson.edu | Elias I'llbeheader | |
Smooth Jazz | |
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5-TBD | Nuchit Kitthawee | nkittha@g. Bro Cluster | Heyward Read |
Jaxon Cramer |
Patrick Freeman |
Josh Strickland |
Walter Hanger |
4. IoT Device with Cloud Storage and IOS Frontend | Nicholas Novajosky | nnovajo@g.clemson.edu |
Angel Rodriguezangelr@gJaz Isomjisom@gJonathan Cainjhcain@gZac Walker | zwalker@gmmcenti@g |
5. Investigating the Effects of Scaling a Location-Sharing Application | Jenisha Baskota | jbaskot@g.clemson.edu
6 - Something Awesome
| Morgan McEntire | bhindma@gBen Hindman | ihamilt@gIsiah Hamilton | jlj8@gJoshua Johnston | | |
7 - DTN/UWSN (Maybe) | Sean Osler | sosler@gvtaggio@gVince Taggio | Jules Ebaa | jebaa@g.clemson.edu |
Tyler Fitzgerald | tjfitzg@g | | | | |
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10 | | |
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| . SoS Performance Analysis
| Khayam Anjam |
Tamara Ortega |
Dru Bradley |
James, Avery |
9. Temperature Control System for the Watt Center
| Suzanne Lizzer |
Morey Agnew |
Jared Tolbert |
Brian Londergan |
10. Experiments with ONOS SDN-IP | Jesse Leopold |