Note, if you already have an SSH public/private key pair that you use regularly, you can upload it to GENI so that you do not have to manage yet another key pair.
- Click the "Reserve Resources" button underneath the Jacks canvas at the bottom of the webpage.
- This will prompt a new page to load in which you can view the reservation's status.
- Do not leave this page until the timer has stopped and indicates "Finished". This page will tell us if there is an error in our reservation, so it is important that we wait to verify everything checked out okay. If we were to see an error, it's likely due to rack oversubscription or maintenance. Go back to Jacks, and try a different aggregate. Upon success, we should see a list of all the resources per aggregate along with SSH login information for each machine.
- Go back to your slice by selecting your slice in the path (i.e. Home->Project ece-4400-6400->Slice do-not-name-test->Add Resources to do-not-name-test) at the top of the screen. Here, my slice name is "do-not-name-test" (which is a name you should never give your slice, as it has the word "test" in it).
- This will take us back to the main page for the slice, where we must wait for our resources to be allocated and booted. Depending on how busy the aggregate is and how complex your slice is, this may take a few minutes. Go get some coffee.
- The VMs will turn green when they are ready.
- If you need the SSH login information, select a VM and copy-and-paste your username's login info to the terminal or Putty. Note that the SSH port is denoted by the colon after the domain name.
Above, you'll see that my browser displayed the pane on the left such that the SSH port is cut off. If this happens to you, to make sure you copy the entire port, double-click the port, then press and hold shift and repeatedly press the left arrow key until you've selected the entire string to the beginning of your username. Then, copy it.
Alternatively, you can select "View Rspec" and see your SSH info in raw form. This is also a good way to feel appreciation for Jacks and be thankful that you don't have to write this by hand
Accessing Resources
Once we have our slice reserved, and we've waited patiently for our resources to be allocated by the aggregate(s), we can SSH into our resources and configure them to our liking.
If you're using Windows:
- I'm sorry; you might want to consider a Linux VM or dual-booting Linux.
- If you insist on using Windows, you'll need Putty or some SSH client to get to your resources. You should follow the instructions for the client you choose.
If you're using a Mac or Linux:
- Open up a terminal for each GENI VM where you want to login (i.e. three terminal windows for this intro tutorial).
- SSH into each of your resources using your GENI username, the host and domain name of your resource given by the steps above, the port provided, and the path to your downloaded private key. To specify the port number the SSH server has open for you, use the -p SSH flag. To tell your SSH client to use the private key you downloaded from GENI, use the -i flag. For example:
- Repeat step 2 for each GENI resource that you want to login to.
- Pro tip: Optionally, add your private key to your SSH agent so that it will automatically be tried when you SSH. Use the passphrase you set for the key when you created it on the GENI portal. If you do this, you will not need the -i flag to access any GENI resources in the future.
Some Handy Networking Commands
In this course, the projects will require you be familiar with some basic networking tools.
ifconfig stands for network "interface configuration". It allows you to not only view information about your system's current network settings, but it also allows you to modify the running configuration.