Useful Equations
Rules of Integration
Chain Rule for Integration
Rules of Differentiation
Chain Rule for Differentiation
Laws for Probabilities of Events
Venn Diagram
Law of Addition
Definition of Conditional Probability
Bayes' Rule
Random Variables (RVs)
Conditional Probability
If X and Y are discrete RVs, the definition of conditional probability for all values of y such that Pr(Y = y) > 0 is
If X and Y are continuous RVs and have joint PDF fXY(x,y), then the conditional PDF for all values of y such that fY(y) > 0 is
For RV X, we can find Pr(X <= x) by conditioning on RV Y. If Y is a discrete RV, then
If Y is a continuous RV with desity fY(y), then
Conditional Expectation
Computing Expectations by Conditioning