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By default, the SOS controller’s REST API runs at the controller’s IP on TCP port 8080. An HTTP client can be used to leverage the API. The popular utility curl is used throughout this document as an example HTTP client. For more information on curl, please refer to curl’s documentation. The following is a general example on how to use curl:


OperationAPI (<uri-path>)HTTP Command (<http-command>)JSON Input Data (<data-string>)JSON Data ReturnedAbout
Configure parameters/wm/sos/config/jsonPOST or PUT

'{ "parallel-connections" : "<integer>",

"buffer-size" : "<integer>",

"queue-capacity" : "<integer>",

"hard-timeout" : "<integer>",

"idle-timeout" : "<integer>" }'

'{ "code" : "<integer>",

"message" : "<string> }'

Modify the running configuration of SOS.

User need not supply all data – only those parameters to set/change.

Input data is a JSON object of key:value pairs.

<integer> should be replaced with a zero or positive value.

Returns 0 code for success; all others indicate failure.

Retrieve parameters/wm/sos/config/jsonGETN/A

'{ "parallel-connections" : "<integer>",

"buffer-size" : "<integer>",

"queue-capacity" : "<integer>",

"hard-timeout" : "<integer>",

"idle-timeout" : "<integer>" }'

 Set of parameters as they are configured.
Add/remove agent




'{ "ip-address" : "<string>",

"data-port" : "<integer>",

"control-port" : "<integer>",

"feedback-port" : "<integer>" }'

'{ "code" : "<integer>",

"message" : "<string> }'

Specify the same data for add or remove.

Input data is a JSON object of key:value pairs.

<string> should be replaced with a dotted-decimal IP address, e.g.

<integer> should be replaced with the corresponding port number.

Returns 0 code for success; all others indicate failure.

Retrieve agents/wm/sos/agent/get/jsonGETN/A

'[ { "ip-address" : "<string>",

"mac-address" : "<string>",

"data-port" : "<integer>",

"control-port" : "<integer>",

"feedback-port" : "<integer>",

"active-transfers" : [


] } ]'

List of SOS agent objects. Includes list of active transfers.

<string> is a dotted-decimal IP address, colon-delimited MAC address, and a UUID, respectively.

Add/remove whitelist entry




'{ "server-ip-address" : "<string>",

"server-tcp-port" : "<integer>",

"client-ip-address" : "<string>",

"start-time" : "<string>",

"stop-time" : "<string>" }'

'{ "code" : "<integer>",

"message" : "<string> }'

Specify the same data for add or remove.

Input data is a JSON object of key:value pairs.

<string> IP addresses should be replaced with a dotted-decimal IP address, e.g.

<integer> should be replaced with the corresponding port number.

<string> date/time should be replaced with any valid date/time string or value.

Note: Start/stop times are currently ignored.

Returns 0 code for success; all others indicate failure.

Retrieve whitelist entries/wm/sos/whitelist/get/jsonGETN/A

'[ { "server-ip-address" : "<string>",

"server-tcp-port" : "<integer>",

"client-ip-address" : "<string>" } ]'

List of whitelist entry objects.

<string> is a dotted-decimal IP address.

Enable/disable module





'{ "code" : "<integer>",

"message" : "<string> }'

Specify an empty string as the data. An empty string is given by two single quotes, one after the other, e.g. ''.

Do not use a double quote.

GET not used for security/safety reasons.

Returns 0 code for success; all others indicate failure.

Get module operating mode/wm/sos/module/jsonGETN/A

'{ "enabled" : "<boolean>" }'

<boolean> is either true if enabled or false if disabled.
Query status/wm/sos/status/jsonGETN/A

'{ "code" : "<integer>",

"message" : "<string> }'

Omit -d parameter.

Returns whether or not the agents are ready to accept another transfer.

At present, each agent is allowed at most one transfer at a time.

This can be used to detect when one transfer is "cleaned up" and the system is ready for another.

Returns 0 code for ready; 6 for not ready; all others indicate failure.

Get statistics/wm/sos/stats/jsonGETN/ANon-trivial output. Gives agents, whitelist entries, active and past transfers, routes utilized, and more.

Omit -d parameter.

Query past and present statistics.

Does not include performance evaluation of transfers, although it will in the near future.
