The SOS controller is hosted on GitHub as a special extended version of Floodlight and can be cloned using git. In a Linux terminal, get the source code:
$ git clone https: //github .com /rizard/SOSForFloodlight -b sos-13 |
Then, install any Floodlight prerequisites:
$ sudo apt-get install build-essential default-jdk ant python-dev eclipse |
After the prerequisites are installed, change directories into the cloned repository, and build the controller:
$ cd SOSForFloodlight $ ant $ sudo mkdir /var/lib/floodlight $ sudo chmod 777 /var/lib/floodlight |
Lastly, you can run the controller at any time by executing the compiled JAR file:
$ java -jar target /floodlight .jar |
If you would like to develop or run the controller within Eclipse, refer to these instructions.