Lastly, we have a final block of parameters for configuring the datapath IDs (DPIDs) of the involved switches – the in-network physical switches or OVS's and the in-agent OVS's. The src- and dst-ntwk-switch variables set the DPIDs of the in-network switches, while the src- and dst-agent-switch-dpid variables set the OVS DPIDs in each agent. All four of these allow Floodlight to determine the role of each switch upon connection to the controller. The remaining parameters, src- and dst-ntwk-sw-port are the physical switch or OVS ports that lead into the network core. In an SOS deployment, there is a source LAN, a destination LAN, and a black box network in the middle, which is undefined in so long as it is a (logical) layer 2 network. The switch ports from the source and destination side LANs of the SOS deployment leading into this black box should be used here.
Playing with the Source Code
All source code for SOS can be found in the net.floodlightcontroller.sos Java package. The SOS module is located in net.floodlightcontroller.sos.SOS.java. All other classes in the package are data types defined for use in the SOS module.